Easy to Implement Tips to Protect Wi-Fi from Hackers

Since our lives are getting fast-paced our reliance on smart home devices is getting a boost more than ever. Let alone your mobile phone and laptop, your TV, air conditioner, refrigerator, and even light bulbs might be connected to Wi-Fi.

For sure, being smart and getting connected to Wi-Fi provides the convenience of controlling them from a single stop i.e.; a phone. But everything has two aspects. One good and the other one? Not so good. In this case, not-so-good is the risk of losing all of your sensitive information like bank account info, your private messages, and more at once if your home network is easy to hack.

Please bear in mind that there is nothing as hack-proof. Every digital object has a vulnerability but the extent of that vulnerability matters. To minimize the extent of your home Wi-Fi vulnerability, you can follow the tips that we are going to unfold in this article. These tips won’t make your Wi-Fi impossible to crack but they will give a tough time to hackers trying to crack it.

Without further ado, let’s dive right into the tips.

Check the connected devices frequently

Source: allconnect.com

By recurrently watching out for intruders in your network, you can help secure it. There is a chance that some shady device might be trying to unlock the Wi-Fi information that shouldn’t be out there with them. It’s essential that whenever you see an unrecognizable device connected to your Wi-Fi then immediately change your Wi-Fi password.

Changing your password will get that suspicious device disconnected and also all of your devices. So, you might have to reconnect. If you don’t know how to check the connected devices then you can try contacting the Customer Service of your ISP.

Speaking of which, one of our teammates, Brian, had a similar issue while checking connected devices. His ISP was Mediacom. He contacted Mediacom Internet Customer Service and loved the way they resolved the issue so quickly and professionally. So, it is always a wise choice to ask for an expert’s help with such issues.

Change the default name and password of the home Wi-Fi

The manufacturers give a default name to the routers and modems. It’s usually the name of the brand that can be easily tracked and listed when hackers are on the hunt. Giving a unique name (SSID) to your network can make it difficult to get traced.

But most importantly a strong password is intensely critical to secure your home Wi-Fi. Now, you might ask, how to create a strong password? A strong password must include a mix of alphabets, numbers, and special characters. Make sure the combination is unique and individualized. So, now you have decided on a password and a name, but how do you actually change them?

Follow these simple steps to change them:

  • Login to your router’s page
  • Select the Wireless setting
  • Locate the password and username box
  • Now, enter a new username and password and hit “Save” or “Apply Changes”

Hide your SSID

Source: expressvpn.com

This is a good tip only when you are done connecting all of your devices. Why only when all of the devices are done connecting?

You won’t see your SSID again when this setting is enabled. Only the devices that are already connected will automatically connect whenever you are in the range of Wi-Fi. We know that it is a hassle but it’s a good way to hide the entirety of your network from hackers.

To disable “SSID broadcast”, access your router’s interface, locate SSID broadcast and then disable it. Save your settings and reboot your router. And you are done, now your home Wi-Fi is more secure.

Turn the Network Encryption On

Encryption is a process of changing original information transmitted across the network into a different form like ciphertext to make it difficult to comprehend even if a hacker has accessed it. By accessing your router’s settings, you can turn on the WPA or WPA2 encryption. Implement the following step to access the settings and turn on your Wi-Fi encryption:

  • Login to your router’s page and select Wireless setting
  • Now, locate the wireless configuration
  • Select the encryption type and then save the settings
  • Reboot your router to let the settings take effect

Implement a Guest Network for Visitors

Source: dignited.com

Creating a separate guest network for visitors is a smart strategy to enhance the security of your Wi-Fi. This approach allows guests to access the internet without compromising the main network where their personal devices and sensitive data reside. By isolating your primary network from guest users, you significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your personal files or smart home devices.

Why a Guest Network is Essential

A guest network serves as a protective barrier between your primary network and external users. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  • Isolation of Traffic: It ensures that the traffic from guest devices doesn’t mingle with your main network traffic. This separation is vital for preventing potential cross-infection if a guest’s device is compromised.
  • Protection of Sensitive Data: By granting visitors access only to a guest network, you safeguard your personal data and devices connected to your primary network from any unauthorized access or potential threats.

Setting Up a Guest Network

Creating a guest network is usually a simple process:

  • Access Your Router Settings: Log into your router’s configuration page using a web browser. This typically involves entering the router’s IP address in the address bar.
  • Locate the Guest Network Option: Look for a section labeled “Guest Network” or something similar. This is often found under the wireless settings.
  • Configure the Guest Network: Enable the guest network and set a distinct SSID (network name) and password. Ensure the password is strong and different from your main network’s password.

Summing Up

Since the World is going a lot more digital, the rise in cybercrimes is inevitable. Securing your Wi-Fi is as important as securing your home for your loved ones from intruders. So, make sure to implement all those tips to ensure the best security of your home network.