What We Do And Why We Do It?

At APG News, we provide clear, fact-based reporting to help you understand the news and its impact on society. Our mission is simple: to keep you well-informed, engaged, and equipped with reliable information on a broad spectrum of topics.


APG News was founded by independent journalists who recognized the need for quality news coverage. Driven by a commitment to transparency and truth, APG News brings you comprehensive reports on current events, highlights underreported stories and encourages meaningful discussions.


Our team includes skilled analysts, experienced journalists, dedicated fact-checkers, and enthusiastic writers. We prioritize accuracy, rigorously verify our information, and work with a broad network of experts and everyday newsmakers to deliver relevant and unique insights.

Srdjan Ilic

Srdjan brings a wealth of experience from his diverse background, including time spent in Ocean City, USA, and extensive travels across Canada.

Milos Nikolovski

Milos is dedicated to clear and accurate journalism, with a strong commitment to truth and integrity in his work.

Our Values and Mission

Transparency, precision, and integrity are at the core of APG News. We are committed to making news accessible to everyone and fostering informed discussions on a variety of topics. We believe in the power of truth to drive meaningful change and strive to report with empathy and insight.

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Choose APG News for reliable coverage of the latest events. Our professional expertise, supported by strict policies, thorough data analysis, and compelling stories delivers top-notch journalism. For understanding complex issues or detailed analysis of current news, you can count on us to keep you informed and engaged.

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Trusted by Those Who Demand Excellence


Thoroughly investigate public service policies and housing initiatives to provide accurate and insightful information.


Craft clear and concise explanations of public service programs and housing regulations for all audiences.